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We have been producing EDM wire for almost 25 years.
Over time the commitment to create an high quality product has never changed.
This is the primary characteristic of all our wires.

The entire process takes place in our lombard head office, starting from the raw materials to the spools packing and packaging.
In each production phase the wire is controlled in its four main characteristics: the diameter, the surface, the tensile strenght and the elongation.
Thanks to our technical know-how we recommend the best suitable wire for any EDM machines in order to allow a great performance during the processing phases.

25 years




© 2025BREMA SRL unipersonale | Direzione e coordinamento ex art.2497 del c.c.: MECSYSTEM S.R.L. (C.F.02296930163)
Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 19/A 25064 Gussago Brescia – Italy | Ph. +39 030 8900944| | P.IVA 03608610980
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